We're pretty busy this week, so blogging will be a little more here and there. We need to catch up on some sight seeing. Anyway, we're glad we're not the only ones who think dead things are cool. There are bats ALL OVER the place here too. Karina got a couple of very nice shots of one in FLIGHT at NIGHT with the rapid shot feature on our camera. Very impressive. However, this is not that picture. We found this dead guy at the zoo lol.

Grandpa found a dead possum under the OJ when it was moved out. Not much left of it - think it had been there a loooooooooooong time. Do they just leave the carrion lying around in the zoo?
Good question. I don't know. One, this bat was pretty hard to spot. I only found it because I almost stepped on it and was watching my footing, and this was the only dead thing I saw at the zoo. Also, Merida is a very clean city. There's at least one worker assigned to continuously clean each square block or two of this part of town.
On a side note, watching us two gringos enter the zoo was probably a hoot for anyone local who was paying attention. Our pace slowed cautiously and searchingly as we approached the zoo gates, our heads synchronously darting to the left and right in an effort to discover where we were supposed to pay our entrance fee. The zoo is free, and also includes an open skate park for Merida's skateboarders. :)
It's true. I think Justin's exact words were, "Did we just walk into a zoo for free??!?" my response, "... I.... I think so!"
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that possums confuse me. They're maybe the only mammals that I think are hideous, yet, still kinda cute. =/
They're cuter when they're not in your space. Grandpa watches them cross the wall as he sits in the spa. They just act like he's not there.
FREE zoo - no wonder they were watching you.
Very cool but also a bit disturbing!
Justin, I saw a possum when I went to Florida and they looked cute and cuddly! :)
Nice. I've always wanted to see them hang by their tails. I think it would increase the cuteness factor.
uuuuggg...BATS. I HATE ALL OF THEM - They make my butt itch. The pics are awesome though, thanks!
What?! Bats are SOOOOOOOOO cute though! Didn't you see that one sleeping that smiled for the camera? They're adorable. At least you like pictures of dead ones... :(
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