This pier is the longest in the world we're told. Over five miles long! It accepts cruise ships (which haven't been coming because of the flu thing until yesterday, we're told) and most of the freight for this side of Yucatan.
This is the street on which one is bombarded by vendors selling their wares, especially if you're the only Americans in the whole pinche city.
I folded.
I guess there was some fantastic postcardesque view that had me enthralled in the direction I was looking. Good thing I keep my eyes open or I might miss something breathtakingly beautiful...
This is when it's great to be the only tourists in Mexico. On this day at least, every shop, restaurant and bar was exactly this empty (unless we were in it). Here, a very cool bartender/restaurant proprietor named Luciano invited us to drinks, ceviche (Mexican sushi. Karina's first and the best I've ever had), sombreros for pictures, and, eventually (once the mood was right), novelty aprons complete with reproductive organs in just the right places. Incidently, Luciano's wife, Lousia, sells table cloths and clothes at the Plaza Americana near our apartment. He was very bored. Thank you flying-pig-flu!
Luciano had a Mexican and a Canadian flag displayed outside his place of business. Why not an American one? (more to come on that soon. We picked up a couple of newspapers...)
This picture makes me want to make babies. Yes, little Mexican/American/Argentine/Mediterranean/Scandinavian babies.
I warned you about the aprons.
Family-friendly version if you prefer.
The aprons made us RANDY!! (sorry Randy Paige)
sandy feet
1 comment:
Yeah, let's face it Karina, that's a HOT pic!!! :)
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