Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ruins @ Uxmal

Uxmal is about 45 minutes South of Merida. Some of the buildings date back to 500 B.C., while some are as new as about 1200 A.D.

The cost to get in (for a whole day) is about $8.50 U.S./per person. Beat THAT Disneyland (where one only gets to ride cheap, Americanized psuedo-replicas of the real deal that we got to see and climb on yesterday)!

The shots with the hoop thing is the Mayan futbol field where they played their soccer/volleyball/basketball/"quidditch" game for honor and social status.

The largest temple is called El Templo del Adivinador (Temple of the Diviner) where apparently there was some Mayan prognosticating afoot back in the day. We wonder if the Diviner guessed that his crib would be overcome by iguanas and their scat thousands of years later, or if it's just always been that way.


Wait for it...

BAM! (I was really excited!)

Then we saw this, and became REALLY excited!!

Isn't that the cutest hairless kitty you've ever seen!?

Justin sporting his indigenous haircut.

Piramde del Adivino

I still need to find out what kind of plant this is. It was very pretty though.

These guys haul!! We almost got a shot with all his feet in the air.

Bees! Justin is probably allergic to this species though...

Camera timers come in handy when you're the only tourists around.

Justin, climbing again. He's part orangutan you know.

My size people! Actually I probably would have been considered a giant to them. (5'3"!!)

Piramide del Adivino

Up to "La Casa del Gobernador" (The Governor's House)

One of the best parts of traveling outside of the USofA is that the idea of antiquity usually extends further into the past than 200 years...

I wonder what it must have been like, to live here.

Thousands of years absorbed, in a moment.

The Governator's house


Baby vultures, so cute!

Can you spot the 4 Mexican Spiny-tailed Iguanas in this shot (psst, we only thought there were 3 at first)? They were EVERYWHERE...

Binomial name is Ctenosaura pectinata. Justin presented him with a peace offering.

He ate the berries, then ate some rocks to help with digestion.

"La Gran Piramide" The Great Pyramid

In Mexico, it's really humid. Your clothes stick to your buttcracks like something fierce!

Top of The Great Pyramid

Pelota court


Doorway to the Nunnery Quadrangle

So cute! They have bright blue wings. We got video of them conversing.

Byebye Uxmal


Welker Family said...

I am amazed at your picture taking skills! They are amazing, both of you. Karina, I hope your ninja skills are coming in handy! :)

Karina said...

Indeed! Justin's pirate skillz are coming in handy too!

davidromeroedpsych said...

Yup, there're the ziggurats I was asking about :)