Saturday, May 23, 2009


DAD said...

Holy, Holy, Spit! What a Wonderful , kind gift to read and Ponder your feelings and thoughts in honor of my birthday. I am Deeply touched and I will always Treasure what you have both So thoughtfully shared . I am looking forward to your Safe return so we can learn more about your Great adventures! Thank you for taking time to send love and wishes. Justin you are and will always be my "TOAD". You are a awesome man and I am So Proud to be your Dad! Happy trails. Love, DAD

K and J said...

Sweet! and you're welcome. We feel a little bad that it's now that we're out of the country that we actually have the time to nurture the relationships we value in ways closer to how we would always like to. We have to keep reminding ourselves that, even though we're busy out here, we don't have work or school. We've recognized that it's our busyness back home that keeps us from everybody, and that sucks, but we gotta do what we gotta do.

Anyway, don't worry about our Safe return. We're pretty much adventured out after yesterday (we finally found something to do that challenged our acceptable limits for "adventure" for this trip), and we survived just fine. Better than survived. We'll post yesterday's craziness soon. Love you, and love you all!

Justin and Karina